Serving Your Client/Customer Base


There's an old saying in sales. "Supply enough people with what they want, and you'll always have more than you need" Serving your Clients in the right way, can lead to new business and even more Clients.

In the daily push to produce sales I think many of us lose sight of that basic formula. It's important to supply our clients with exactly what they want and need. Everyone in the company benefits when customers get what they want and need.

The initial sale with any new customer is just the beginning to a lasting relationship based on trust and genuine reliability. In an environment where many companies put he emphasis on sales, true customer service after the sale, tends to fall off. Many c...

Optimizing Small Warehouse Spaces


Optimizing Small Warehouse Spaces
By Roy C. Bennett

If you are operating a warehouse, (especially a small warehouse) effectively using every cubic inch of space can be crucial to the operation. Running out of inventory space can paralyze both shipping and receiving in ways that lead to unsafely stored product, decreased productivity, and much more.

On the other hand, a streamlined operation that utilizes every square inch within your existing floorplan can have far reaching benefits across all departments. With an efficiently running operation it becomes possible to safely pre-stage outbounds and have space set aside for inbounds before the truck ever arrives.

So how can you best utilize you...

Pros and Cons of Setting up a Company Gym


It’s 4:30 am and I am just arriving at the office. After unlocking the door and handling the alarm system, I change into my sweats and hit our in-house gym. It’s nothing more than an 8’ x 22’ converted storage area with some basic weights and equipment. There is a small Smart TV mounted above the treadmill to make breaking a sweat a bit more bearable. I know the guys won’t be showing up for a few more hours and I try to get at least 30-45 mins in each morning alternating between free weights and cardio. I consider it a major plus to be able to do this at work whereas I know I’d probably never have time to do it otherwise.

If you are thinking of setting u...

To Renovate or Relocate

A growing company’s office space needs are always changing. The space that worked perfectly when you found it 15 years ago, may no longer meet your needs now that your company is expanding. Renovation might be an inexpensive alternate to relocation based on present and future needs however, there are several instances where relocation just makes sense.



If your current location is in a bad area, becoming too expensive, or no longer available, relocation may be your only option. If you find your company having to bring in more personnel as a result of company growth/expansion, relocation may be a wise choice. There are only so many options within a set amount of square footage...
